Planning on Studying Abroad in the UK? Read More Below!
US Students Looking to Study Abroad
If you have an interest in studying abroad during college specifically in the United Kingdom please review these helpful notes below:
Facts about applying to universities and colleges in the UK:
Universities and Colleges throughout the United Kingdom are about 25 percent international students.
The Visa process does not start until you are admitted. The earliest you should apply is 6 months prior to the start, but a typical timeline is 3 months.
The application process is invisible, so other colleges and universities cannot see where you applied.
Qualifications for the applications are all self-reported, including cumulative GPA, standardized tests, and courses. AP and standardized test scores are important.
A short personal statement and one letter of recommendation are required. The letter of recommendation is typically 4000 characters. Your school counselor will help you prepare with input from your professors.
You can only apply to Oxford or Cambridge, not both.
Facts about loans, tuition, and financing your degree in the UK:
As a student from the United States, you are eligible for scholarships abroad.
Student loans can be applied abroad; however, grants cannot.
Students should expect tuition to be around £10,000 - £26,000 per year, however, medical school is around £50,000 per year.
Facts regarding majors:
Students studying in England, Wales, North Ireland, or Scotland will dive into majors right away freshman year.
If you pursue your undergraduate degree in the United Kingdom and would like to pursue your graduate degree you can do so.
If you study in the United Kingdom for your undergraduate, masters, or both, you may apply for your graduate degree in the UK. Otherwise, you can work up to 2 years with no specific skill or job required.
For more information, please visit You will find information sessions regarding all aspects of studying abroad during college. Information sessions such as Why Study Overseas, Debunking Myths and Sharing Benefits, American Universities Abroad/Mainland Europe, the Study Abroad Experience, etc.