Is Cheating an Issue at Your University?
As the 2021 school year is in full swing, institutions are paying close attention to cheating, especially with remote learning. According to an interview published between Insider Higher Ed and Rettinger, the perception of cheating has immensely increased since the beginning of the pandemic and the introduction of online classes.
To combat the increasingly normalized culture of online cheating, institutions believe placing academic integrity at the forefront of their school’s core values will help. Several colleges and universities use the ostrich method when it comes to addressing cheating. Only confronting the issue when an event occurs that can no longer be ignored.
Moving forward, Inside Higher Ed has laid out key steps institutions can take to help eliminate cheating as remote learning becomes the norm:
“Create Policies and practices to address academic misconduct”
“Develop a culture of integrity”
“Engage in faculty development on teaching techniques that motivate robust student learning while preventing cheating”
“Incorporate authentic assessment strategies that actually further learning versus serving as “gotcha” moments that focus on what students do not yet know”
“Know your institution”
Do you know if cheating is an issue at your school? To learn more about how your school can combat cheating, click the link.